positively utah

Utah Miss Amazing needs help with pageant for girls with disabilities

5-year-old Utah girl collects dozens of aid kits for Ukrainian refugee children

Orem hospital hosts wedding before baby’s premature birth

Utah woman dances after being told she'd never walk again

Little free libraries help kids LOVE reading

How a Park City community garden is fighting food insecurity

‘It made me feel beautiful’: Community pitches in to help send Ogden teen to prom

Utah elementary school sending students around the world... kind of

Utah girl born with one hand gets paired with 3-legged puppy

Hoop campers surprised with special gift from Utah Jazz

Clearfield veteran shares his love for America through handmade wooden waving flags

Tooele doctor treating orphans in Ukraine welcomed home by entire family at airport Saturday

Yearly tradition prompts Riverton family to build 18-foot tall snowman

Neighbors set up new Tooele homeless center one stitch at a time

Sisters spread love & support one sweetheart sign at a time

Salt Lake City business takes the high road with theft suspect

Navajo man biking 400 miles to raise funds to power Native American homes

Park City teen builds haunted house for a good cause

How one group is helping ducks on Utah Lake

Strangers save Ogden man at trampoline park after suffering cardiac arrest

Hospital employee shares what led to impromptu lobby ballet performance

Utah high school hosts prom to include students of all abilities

Off-duty nurse saves man's life after heart attack during softball game in Murray

Positively 50+: How scammers are out to steal from you